To MM and Flor - job accomplished, people have read...
Just waiting for the article in the local newspapers -...
why is this only aimed at women - what about men in...
easy enough to bring your pet - just vets bills here...
Flor- give it a rest, if you don't believe me, the...
Tiger - with the tax they pay and the income from...
I have complained about this sort of thing before,...
Tiger - the Queen 'costs' far less to run than the...
Tiger, what made you so bitter?
Tiger - they do pay tax and imagine having a job in...
To MM and Flor - job accomplished, people have read...
Just waiting for the article in the local newspapers -...
why is this only aimed at women - what about men in...
easy enough to bring your pet - just vets bills here...
Flor- give it a rest, if you don't believe me, the...
Tiger - with the tax they pay and the income from...
I have complained about this sort of thing before,...
Tiger - the Queen 'costs' far less to run than the...
Tiger, what made you so bitter?
Tiger - they do pay tax and imagine having a job in...