Its not me who says that the athenians were a minority...
So all the rights of people are clearly reflected in a...
columbus day for example - LOL!
What i mean is the slaves in athens didnt have the...
The all of greece wasnt a democracy if u know what i...
I am talking about the greeks - the founders of...
Ever heard of the revolts by the slaves who...
PM u gotta be kidding me
The greeks were a...
Moderation is shown by the faith
But people...
Yes Adey the cat is out of the bag since ages
Its not me who says that the athenians were a minority...
So all the rights of people are clearly reflected in a...
columbus day for example - LOL!
What i mean is the slaves in athens didnt have the...
The all of greece wasnt a democracy if u know what i...
I am talking about the greeks - the founders of...
Ever heard of the revolts by the slaves who...
PM u gotta be kidding me
The greeks were a...
Moderation is shown by the faith
But people...
Yes Adey the cat is out of the bag since ages