PM u gotta be kidding me

The greeks were a minority in their own country

and the democracy which has its basis in theright to havea say in the decision making process was given to a few.


The same goes for any democratic country today

First of all democracy according to me fails unless there is a 100% turnout because there are always people who are undecided or just dont feel that either of the representatives are going to represent them correctly


Athenian democracy was direct and in-your-face. To make it as participatory as possible, most officials and all jurymen were selected by lot, Athenian women, were totally excluded & The citizen body was a closed political elite


But apart from that the principal defect of democracy is

what it preaches - freedom for all

I mean any fool can speak - why should every view be heard

opinions of all citizens are not going to be equal in value 


There are sadist killers, rapists, drug dealers and corrupt politicians who are having a say in the most important decision of all - formation of the government