Do you know Al-Jazeera Academy or Waqood Patrol Station...
If you will go from Muntaza Signals towards Ramada...
Just bring them on visit visa and then try...Best of...
No problem...Just Drive safe and Mabruk for Umrah......
For family visa your salary should be 8000 or more.....
not good
It dependes on the car condition....35 to 380000...
Ya its good offer...Simplicity is the best....
No dude, man cannot love 2 women at a same time...If...
Do you know Al-Jazeera Academy or Waqood Patrol Station...
If you will go from Muntaza Signals towards Ramada...
Just bring them on visit visa and then try...Best of...
No problem...Just Drive safe and Mabruk for Umrah......
For family visa your salary should be 8000 or more.....
not good
It dependes on the car condition....35 to 380000...
It dependes on the car condition....35 to 380000...
Ya its good offer...Simplicity is the best....
...No dude, man cannot love 2 women at a same time...If...