I totally agree with you scorpio,
Suzan,the job market is sooooo competitive, you should be fully loaded with a big stack of certificates and recommendation letters and even then you still can't guarantee you can get the job,many other factors govern the job market like availability and accessibility to the applicant,if you are in the country for instance you have a better chance than others who apply overseas.
So during your job search you should always think as an employer not as an applicant,why should you be hired?? what will the company gain?? what makes you the best person for a particular post?? and so on.
Good luck to you and my advice to you is"No matter how hard the task gets,always keep a stiff upper lip"
I totally agree with you scorpio,
Suzan,the job market is sooooo competitive, you should be fully loaded with a big stack of certificates and recommendation letters and even then you still can't guarantee you can get the job,many other factors govern the job market like availability and accessibility to the applicant,if you are in the country for instance you have a better chance than others who apply overseas.
So during your job search you should always think as an employer not as an applicant,why should you be hired?? what will the company gain?? what makes you the best person for a particular post?? and so on.
Good luck to you and my advice to you is"No matter how hard the task gets,always keep a stiff upper lip"