GIASI, I do not need a dictionary. It was quite clear what you meant. Once again, try not to be the arrogant keeper here of wisdom and your hollow word of RESPECT. If you still do not get it, look up the word and try to let the meaning of the word RESPECT sink in into your brain. On the QA cabin crew: Whatever you think man. I just think that one working for an airline as internationally oriented as QA should possess a decent level of English. You are inclined to think that the majority does not speak English. Well, i see your point now. So it is better to have the poorly speaking passengers to be flown around with cabin crew who also do not possess a decent level of English. Yes, that is way way better. Nice communication....
GIASI, I do not need a dictionary. It was quite clear what you meant. Once again, try not to be the arrogant keeper here of wisdom and your hollow word of RESPECT. If you still do not get it, look up the word and try to let the meaning of the word RESPECT sink in into your brain. On the QA cabin crew: Whatever you think man. I just think that one working for an airline as internationally oriented as QA should possess a decent level of English. You are inclined to think that the majority does not speak English. Well, i see your point now. So it is better to have the poorly speaking passengers to be flown around with cabin crew who also do not possess a decent level of English. Yes, that is way way better. Nice communication....