I wouldn't hold my breath for Turkey getting into the EU. It's better to look elsewhere if you want to make a quick buck. The list of reforms that Turkey has to undergo is so long that, it is discouraging. Just follow-up the progress of negotiations in Brussels. They could only ban the death penalty so far to please Europe. They still have to address and right many wrongs: on the top of the list is freedom of speach, Turkey still prosecutes its own intellectuals for speaking out about human rights, freedom of the media, freedom of religion, freedom of language, respect of minorities, freedom of carrying your own name (if you're not Turkish), Turkey is in conflict with most of its adjacent neighbouring countries, it has to solve Cyprus aggression, it has to come to terms with its past, recognize the Armenian Genocide, pay reparations and the list so long that, not much will happen in this century. Does this sound like a European country? I don't think so. Look for Eastern European countries, their chances are greater for getting in and much sooner.
I wouldn't hold my breath for Turkey getting into the EU. It's better to look elsewhere if you want to make a quick buck. The list of reforms that Turkey has to undergo is so long that, it is discouraging. Just follow-up the progress of negotiations in Brussels. They could only ban the death penalty so far to please Europe. They still have to address and right many wrongs: on the top of the list is freedom of speach, Turkey still prosecutes its own intellectuals for speaking out about human rights, freedom of the media, freedom of religion, freedom of language, respect of minorities, freedom of carrying your own name (if you're not Turkish), Turkey is in conflict with most of its adjacent neighbouring countries, it has to solve Cyprus aggression, it has to come to terms with its past, recognize the Armenian Genocide, pay reparations and the list so long that, not much will happen in this century. Does this sound like a European country? I don't think so. Look for Eastern European countries, their chances are greater for getting in and much sooner.