Yeah Giasi but it is a sharia court. Imagine the furore if uncle sam had decided to ban that.

Free will in religion is very very difficult. Most religions are based on the society in which they were created. As such living in a particular society will make you more inclined towards a religion that is familiar. This is in addition to pressure from parents etc.

Unfortunately most religions also cling to the idea that theirs is the right one. "The true word of god" as I think someone said in another post. This further reduces the chance of free will.

What I don't get is why so obvious a fiction as one being right and another wrong is laughed out of existence. I mean what about a polynesian islander blessedly untouched by missionaries of any kind. Has god forgotten them? Is it just the favoured people of arabia or europe who get to join in the fun of the afterlife?

NO is the obvious answer.