it's not a joke,
It's a serious rumour that I think will become a fact very soon.
Theis is how governments usually make decisions in the middle east, they burst a bubble of rumours and they let it confirmation and no denial...they stay quiet....they remain comments made from the government....
And once they believe every one has expressed his anger already...they declare it officially and it becomes a fact.
I personally think this is a big step ahead in erasing the islamic religion and traditions from our kids minds.
Friday not only that it is the day of Friday prayer but also it has forever been a weekly celebration of families and a day for prayers and remembering God (Just like how sunday is in the west)
I hope the Qatarie government lets me down and this all it a rumour
it's not a joke,
It's a serious rumour that I think will become a fact very soon.
Theis is how governments usually make decisions in the middle east, they burst a bubble of rumours and they let it confirmation and no denial...they stay quiet....they remain comments made from the government....
And once they believe every one has expressed his anger already...they declare it officially and it becomes a fact.
I personally think this is a big step ahead in erasing the islamic religion and traditions from our kids minds.
Friday not only that it is the day of Friday prayer but also it has forever been a weekly celebration of families and a day for prayers and remembering God (Just like how sunday is in the west)
I hope the Qatarie government lets me down and this all it a rumour