Sorry, Palukuri, only noticed your query today.
Can't help you much anyway, but note that Doha usn't big (or organised) enough to have nationality-based districts so there aren't, so far as I know, any areas where middle class Indians (I'm noting your salary) live, partly because the housing market is so chaotic at the moment. Socially, Indians here are vary varied: main divisions being Muslim/Hindu/Christian, of course, but also Keralan and non-Keralan. If you want to network when you get here, try the Indian Cultural Centre and the Kerelan Association or some of the Christian congregations/Moslem societies. (I never see much about Hindu organisiations in the paper, though I know they exist.) The Indian schools generate a lot of social activities, too. Toastmasters are mostly Indian, and even the Qatar Natural History Group committee is about half Indian.
Sorry, don't know the PWA.