The technology of the Remote Control Mail Online Post Office Box and Mail Forwarding Service cannot be beat. It's what all the expatriates use, and it's patent-pending, so you don't have to worry about your vendor getting a cease and desist letter some day to tell them to stop using this proprietary method of displaying postal mail and allowing you to take all sorts of actions on it -- just like email.
It's also the least expensive, in spite of its superior features!
The technology of the Remote Control Mail Online Post Office Box and Mail Forwarding Service cannot be beat. It's what all the expatriates use, and it's patent-pending, so you don't have to worry about your vendor getting a cease and desist letter some day to tell them to stop using this proprietary method of displaying postal mail and allowing you to take all sorts of actions on it -- just like email.
It's also the least expensive, in spite of its superior features!
Good luck in Qatar!