Sammie “Yeah it kinda has a gay feeling to it� well we all r human even if some ppl show up that they r ruff and stuff u never know wat they thinking or how they feelin from inside and that’s for the advice I guess I’ll b ruff than ever then I might find a girl or get together with the one I know �

“50 odd people on this site at the moment yet we seem to be the only ones talking do you think we scare them?� not ist coz its kind of cloz chat .. so if no body callin ur name way should u be inside given a way a simles while everybody look @ u like .. who bring this fool here –I hate that feelin-

About the cow joke , I get it from the 1st moment .. I got plenty of jokes that way
By the way im wrokin in the morning too so I appear her after 4:30pm