Let me again say that I agree with the gun laws in qatar 100%. They are the reason I feel so secure in this country.

Now to Dohagirl, your statement that "if some wants to kill you he will find a way to do it no matter how many guns you have" is wrong on so many levels. First if someone mugs you he doesnt nessacrily wants to kill you. The incident that happenned with my father was that at night he stopped at a gas station when he was going from riyadh to taif and went in to the shop to get some water and food. On the way back some people came out of another room near by and instinctively my father knew something was on. he quickly went back to the car and pulled out a knife he kept but didnt show it to them , when they got too close and started touching his car and one tried to open the passenger side door, he showed them the knife and they backed off. Now by your logic they would have followed him all the way to taif and spiked his tea to get revenge. But no that doesnt happen. He had a knife and he used it as a tool. And another point that a weapon doesnt immediately mean a gun, it could be anything thats useful for intimidating an attacker.

And to someone else who said that these things do not happen here, one of the guys I spoke to about this has been going to the uae by road for almost 40 years. and he goes there many times a month. He told me that people have tried to rob him many times. These things might not be a concern for someone who goes there once a year and during the day but at night at the truck stops it can get dangerous.

Again carrying any sort of weapon inside qatar is highly stupid, there is no point and you can get into a lot of trouble, but on the highways to other countries at least keep a stick so you can survive any incident. I say that because Ive seen first hand that long trips can be very unpredictable.