..that Super. I have discussed this very idea with 3rd generation (Soviet) Jewish immigrant friends of mine and I've got to tell you, even if you don't entirely sound English, it really does help to look it i.e. caucasian. Much as she has improved, Britain harbours an almost vestigial preference for he/she who looks and sounds English, than otherwise. I'd argue that the Jewish immigrant community have enjoyed by far the most successful integration into our British society.. and good for them! The Black Brit population need to achieve the same.

I do agree that Great Britain did abolish slavery, and yes, paid more than lip service to this policy on the high seas. But let me put it like this. Slavery is to racism, as base jumping is to sport. Extreme. The fact that the Uk decided to reverse a policy that was fundamentally wrong in the first place, and one she so handsomely profited from (and whose holdings she still profits from today!) doesn't exactly entitle her to a 'citizen of the year' award. Oh, and I'm not sure a new sense of moral obligation had anything to do with it either. In her colonies, Britain retained holdings on which slave practices were continued long after the abolishment.

I challenge you to argue what you see about Britains colonial past that wasn't evil.