Bajesus ,believe me when u will come out of this phase of ur life u will be a stronger human being.
To come out of it I strongly advice u to visit a specially qualified and experienced mental health doctor as u have been thinking of suicide in the past,the doctor will medicate u to correct ur mental disorders and generate positves in ur mind.
Bajesus when one is under depression ,he is slow to react,even taking a bath can be a huge task for him and I wonder how u have been able to seek help on this forum as its very good that u want to get cured.
When my brother was going through this phase last year he knew and understood all the things the ppl were saying to him and he was like, do u think Im mad ,I know it but i dont wanna do it,I dont like it anymore etc.

so my Farher took him to a psychitrist who urge him to get busy in work ,exercise,etc so he rejoined gym,it started to get better but then he lost it again and then we took to a gr8 doctor for mental health who gave him medicines.
Then he started working as manager in a company as he was a qualified person on paper.
Now during job hours,he had to work hard so that no one knows about his mental health.So 8 hrs of daily acting as normal person and being with other normal guys who did,nt know wat he was going through made him think that im far better then them so y im so depressed, then the feeling tht he was given such gr8 facilities ,car,fuel good salary then he started and compelled himself to enjoy these things and as he was also being medicated one day he went to the music house and bought his favourite singer,s new album. He started listening and singing with him in the car and tht was his first day when he felt tht he wanted to live,and I am sure tht day will come shortly in ur life too inshallah.
So just be patient,think about Allah and take it as a test from Allah.Take care of urself as if u belong to Allah and dont think about hurting Allah,s man.
Allah Hafiz