but regardless of what it is called, i think it's basic human nature/goodness to feel sorry for anyone who had to go under a train. and in spite of what he did to her, she didnt lose that.

she was kidnapped while still a child, imagine what he must have done to her, not just physically but more lasting, mentally and psychologically, and maybe shaming her and making her believe she wont have a life anymore outside his domain.

she might have tried to run away before and im sure he didnt welcome her with chocolates when caught.

grown educated women have a hard time getting out of an abusive relationship because of fear of shame, failure, and physical repercussions, and i dont blame them. parallel that to what she has been used to for her past 8 formative yrs.

it is ode to the human spirit that even though she somehow have gotten used to their routine, she didnt give up the thought that there is still more to life than what she has. and even though there is such a thing as a stockholm syndrome, she was not rescued, she walked out.