two things very important before you make up your mind. transportation and climate. these two will take your toll if you dont find a way out before hand. frequency is very bad whether it is taxi or bus.most of the time you wont find them.and imagine yourself standing on road with 45 degrees heat on top of your head.7000k does take care of best deal wud be to ask for company transport as well. and make sure you know driving well before you come here.
two things very important before you make up your mind. transportation and climate. these two will take your toll if you dont find a way out before hand. frequency is very bad whether it is taxi or bus.most of the time you wont find them.and imagine yourself standing on road with 45 degrees heat on top of your head.7000k does take care of best deal wud be to ask for company transport as well. and make sure you know driving well before you come here.