You would honestly consider that the WMD were moved to another country.. and that Sadam had lots of 'notice' of an impending invasion? You've got to be kidding. Do you forget that for years preceding 'Bush's invasion', America presided over the no-fly zone idea that was meant precisely to curtail Saddam's ability to function militarily? Bottom line - Bush and his cronies invaded Iraq in pursuance of a wider doctrine or political ideology. They needed to secure the US's strategic oil reserves (and geopolitical influence) and ensure they could not be held to ransom by an evil despot. The fact that Saddam was an evil dictator with a penchant for killing Kurds has absolutely nothing to do with it. Its the worlds biggest political red herring. Bright red. To even suggest it was relevant smacks of a naivety on par with Little Bo Peep at a Mardi Gras! America is consistently conspicuous by her gaping absence when crimes against humanity are committed on any scale.. and there is no national interest to be considered. Remember Rwanda? They have no oil, so screw them. Let them kill each other.. and then we'll wave a sorrowful flag of peace and regret after it all. 1 million people died. Where was America's conscience then?Remember Angola? Mozambique? What about Apartheid South Africa? Do we remember when Thatcher called Nelson Mandela a terrorist? Reagan didn't issue a distancing statement then did he? In fact, his silence was tacit agreement with his good friend Maggie. What about Dafur today? Where is America's hand in solving that problem?? Frankly, she could care less. If the dying and displaced are African... well...whats for dinner Laura? If two Israeli soldiers are kidnapped in a war zone.. send in the F16's. When another Palestinian child dies of dysentry, and her body is counted amongst the other 9 who've died already today, not only does this not make the news, but Bush could care less. 10 Palestinian children die PER DAY because of preventable desease, all due to their occupation. We're grown intelligent folks here.. don't tell me America policy has a conscience.

I'm not inherently anti-American because I also know that there is also much unheralded good work that the US has, and continues to support all over the world. But lets not get things twisted.. America's foreign policy has zip to do with any moralistic notions of benevolence, charity and good will. If it had just an ounce of this, then Bush would not let Israel piss all over UN resolutions ad infinitum and burn civilian Lebanese and Palestinians because 1 or 2 soldiers were kidnapped! US double standards are the chief reason why a large contingent of the world are pissed at them. Of course, the US must do all she can to defend and secure herself... but I would have thought that might include learning how NOT to make enemies in the first place!