Why not try to contact a. Hartrodt. It's my ex company. When I moved to Doha 3 months ago I use them for my personel effect cargo from Jakarta. Try to visit them at www.hartrodt.com or you can contact bellow address:
a. hartrodt (UK) Limited
Unit 2
Pump Lane Industrial Estate
Pump Lane
GB-Hayes, Middlesex UB3 3NB
Tel: (+44-208) 848 35 45
Fax: (+44-208) 561 09 40
E-mail: [email protected]
In Doha they have the office representatives called:
Old Airport Road
P.O. Box 24080, Doha, Qatar
Hi Kirby,
Why not try to contact a. Hartrodt. It's my ex company. When I moved to Doha 3 months ago I use them for my personel effect cargo from Jakarta. Try to visit them at www.hartrodt.com or you can contact bellow address:
a. hartrodt (UK) Limited
Unit 2
Pump Lane Industrial Estate
Pump Lane
GB-Hayes, Middlesex UB3 3NB
Tel: (+44-208) 848 35 45
Fax: (+44-208) 561 09 40
E-mail: [email protected]
In Doha they have the office representatives called:
Old Airport Road
P.O. Box 24080, Doha, Qatar
Tel: +974 455 0591
Fax: +974 455 0592
Person contact: Mr. Sami
Email: [email protected]
Hope it help you.