I am not 100% sure, but what happens depends on the viral load of a person with HepB. If he/she has a low viral load and little infectivity he is allowed to stay in the country, and has to undergo checkups regularly or treatment. If a person has a high viral load and high infectivity, i guess to be deported. And Qatar is interested in HepB,it is contagious and its more infectious than HIV (the amount of virus needed to cause disease is lower for HepB than for HIV).
Directory > Health > Medical Dictionary con·ta·gious (kən-tā'jəs)
Of or relating to contagion.
Transmissible by direct or indirect contact; communicable.
Capable of transmitting disease; carrying a disease.
Apple, I dont know the cut-off mark as per the viral load. It might also depend on country
I am not 100% sure, but what happens depends on the viral load of a person with HepB. If he/she has a low viral load and little infectivity he is allowed to stay in the country, and has to undergo checkups regularly or treatment. If a person has a high viral load and high infectivity, i guess to be deported. And Qatar is interested in HepB,it is contagious and its more infectious than HIV (the amount of virus needed to cause disease is lower for HepB than for HIV).
Directory > Health > Medical Dictionary con·ta·gious (kən-tā'jəs)
Of or relating to contagion.
Transmissible by direct or indirect contact; communicable.
Capable of transmitting disease; carrying a disease.
Apple, I dont know the cut-off mark as per the viral load. It might also depend on country