Dear pnb,

I am a canadian workng in Doha. I previously working in Dubai. My preference is Doha by far. Where do you some from in Canada?? If you come from TO or Vancouver, you may like Dubai but I found it entirely too busy and crowded and fast.

Overall, I would say the cost of living is similar, except hosuing. Housing is more expensive in Doha, although we all hope it will come down now that the Asian Games have finsihed. ;-)

space - I would say if you want a decent house you need to allocate about 20 000/month. Most people I know here have their salary and housing is provided. To get a 4-5 bedroom on a decent compound you will pay at least.

a decent car will cast you abotu 3000/month to rent or buy....I say this much becsue the driving is crazy here and I would not drive a small car, you need a big car for safety. Gas is cheap.

sea - No where in Doha is too far from the sea

expats - there are loads of us here!! lots of Newfies!!!

recreation - There are loads of clubs, one golf course and a few places to do sailing.

shopping - It's the national passtime!

British nurserys - Lots around but don't know the prices.