Prior to blasting someone for what they put in their string, re-read it. Charmed quite blatantly stated "Same as the gold out here and granite from India that children are dying for?"

Now to me that says "same as the gold out here" i.e. the gold in Qatar "and granite from India that children are dying for?", so, where does the gold come from that is shipped in and sold at rediciulously low prices?? what are the H&S rules and regulations in those states??
Granite that is used in the construction of many home kitchens does indeed come from India (75% of the world market now), yes children are used to mine it (opencast) and yes there are many deaths.

"Children aged 4 and up work up to 14 hours a day digging, breaking and loading stones, and other ore processing activities, in toxic and hazardous environments, without safety measures [5]. For example, in granite mines, children are employed for collecting kerosene from mine tailings, handling toxic wastes with their bare hands [5]."

Yes we are all aware of the inherent dangers of building in this country, effectively there is no H&S office in this country and the standards used in construction here are actually those of the parent company brought in under the contract (i.e. how they do it back home). Deaths still occur in countries with excellent H&S process and procedures due to lack of attention and due diligence.

As for Canadian diamonds one can only presume that Muliebriamania was extracting the urine if you get my drift.

You're born, you take s**t. You get out in the world, you take more s**t. You climb a little higher, you take less s**t. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what s**t even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake son.