In this case 2002 vs 2004, you might as well as go for the lower mileage as they are both sort of old. There isn't a great deal to differentiate in the age.
Even if you look at an old car with low mileage some components will begin to fail anyway due to age. THis could include electrics or items such as windows etc.
However, a lady driven car a couple of km's a day is not good either as the components do not get even wear. The engine oil will never heat up properly for a start.
If you were comparing a 2008 model with say 30,000kms against a 2004 model with 10,000kms, I would go for 2008, providing it has been maintained.
In this case 2002 vs 2004, you might as well as go for the lower mileage as they are both sort of old. There isn't a great deal to differentiate in the age.
Even if you look at an old car with low mileage some components will begin to fail anyway due to age. THis could include electrics or items such as windows etc.
However, a lady driven car a couple of km's a day is not good either as the components do not get even wear. The engine oil will never heat up properly for a start.
If you were comparing a 2008 model with say 30,000kms against a 2004 model with 10,000kms, I would go for 2008, providing it has been maintained.