I don't know if this is a very popular option. There is a tutoring place here called Cedars and I think some people use this while they are waiting for school places. Tel 468 8192 email [email protected]

Getting school places is a problem in Doha but if you have a British passport, you have a better chance than some because you will be given priority in the British curriculum schools. I'm sure you've probably researched which ones are popular here - any that come under the umbrella of BSME (British Schools of the Middle East) and are not-for-profit are generally sound - They have a website www.bsme.org.uk Obviously the best option would be to come over to Doha on a 'look see' visit so that you can check out the schools yourself. In any event, if you are looking for places to start September 2007, you need to act now as it may take 3 - 6 months to go through the process of applying/entrance tests for secondary children etc

If have children at secondary and primary level I would suggest that you consider the impact of having children at different schools because the traffic in Doha is crazy at certain times of the day and once your kids start after-school activities you will be tearing
your hair out!

Like you, we moved to Doha with a larger than average family so believe me, I know what you're going through! Getting places at our chosen school was the biggest headache but we managed it in the end!

Just to say that in my opinion Doha is a great place to be for families. We have no regrets and my children are very settled here.

Good luck.