Well here's another insider news and just in from a reliable source! Apparently, there are way too many people having driving licences but do not really need them. So the buzz is that as per the new filteration rule, persons having driving licences but do not fall under the elite category of "those who really need it" may have to justify their necessity to drive in Qatar.
Those who are unable to provide a valid justification to retain the driving licence, will obviously have to lose it and go back home in a cab!
This checking would be done either at the time of licence renewal (i.e. every 5 years) or at the time of car permit renewal (i.e. every one year) at the Qatar Traffic Dept. Justification could be done either by providing a letter from your workplace or by submitting a picture of your office clearly showing heaps of documents piled on your desk!
Am sure we all know whether we fall in that elite category or not. Wish you all luck in trying to keep hold onto your licences! :)
P.s. Chill out it was just a stupid joke. But with Qatar Traffic, you never know! I am only giving more brilliant ideas :P
Love sucks, True love swallows
E4U & LG Presents Bollywood RemiX Nite with DJ Suketu www.e4u.name.qa
Well here's another insider news and just in from a reliable source! Apparently, there are way too many people having driving licences but do not really need them. So the buzz is that as per the new filteration rule, persons having driving licences but do not fall under the elite category of "those who really need it" may have to justify their necessity to drive in Qatar.
Those who are unable to provide a valid justification to retain the driving licence, will obviously have to lose it and go back home in a cab!
This checking would be done either at the time of licence renewal (i.e. every 5 years) or at the time of car permit renewal (i.e. every one year) at the Qatar Traffic Dept. Justification could be done either by providing a letter from your workplace or by submitting a picture of your office clearly showing heaps of documents piled on your desk!
Am sure we all know whether we fall in that elite category or not. Wish you all luck in trying to keep hold onto your licences! :)
P.s. Chill out it was just a stupid joke. But with Qatar Traffic, you never know! I am only giving more brilliant ideas :P
Love sucks, True love swallows
E4U & LG Presents Bollywood RemiX Nite with DJ Suketu