Why do I get a feeling that Oldtimer and han19 need to get off the net (esp. QL) and read few ads in the newspapers! Besides that, posters and flyers for DJ Suketu are all over the city.
Well the evening promises to be a lot of fun and trust me thats an understatement! LG is our main sponsor and they (nor rest of the sponsors) wud wanna put their money on something who's unknown or a bad act.
I clearly recall when we were planning to get Aqeel in November, everyone was like 'whos aqeel?'. Now 'whos suketu?' :) Han19, DJ Aqeel Live in Qatar was wonderful, those who were there really enjoyed it and had lotta fun. Gulf Times had an excellent review about the show too. Check out our webpage (link given below for more info and pictures form Aqeel's party).
Well oldtimer, am glad ur still young at heart despite being in late 30's. Tickets are available at lots of places, which also includes music land at FFC on Airport Road or Bombay Chowpatty. You can also give call on any of the numbers given on our posters, if you need tickets in bulk
Love sucks, True love swallows
E4U & LG Presents Bollywood RemiX Nite with DJ Suketu
22nd February @ The Diplomatic Club Marquee www.e4u.name.qa
Why do I get a feeling that Oldtimer and han19 need to get off the net (esp. QL) and read few ads in the newspapers! Besides that, posters and flyers for DJ Suketu are all over the city.
Well the evening promises to be a lot of fun and trust me thats an understatement! LG is our main sponsor and they (nor rest of the sponsors) wud wanna put their money on something who's unknown or a bad act.
I clearly recall when we were planning to get Aqeel in November, everyone was like 'whos aqeel?'. Now 'whos suketu?' :) Han19, DJ Aqeel Live in Qatar was wonderful, those who were there really enjoyed it and had lotta fun. Gulf Times had an excellent review about the show too. Check out our webpage (link given below for more info and pictures form Aqeel's party).
Well oldtimer, am glad ur still young at heart despite being in late 30's. Tickets are available at lots of places, which also includes music land at FFC on Airport Road or Bombay Chowpatty. You can also give call on any of the numbers given on our posters, if you need tickets in bulk
Love sucks, True love swallows
E4U & LG Presents Bollywood RemiX Nite with DJ Suketu
22nd February @ The Diplomatic Club Marquee