it would be the first street to the right right after Jarrir Book Shop comming from Ramada Intersection towards the Slwa road.
This work shop is if you are doing the Minor Services such as: 1000. 5000, 10000 and 15000 KM service, or if you want to buy spare parts.
The Main Service work shop is actually in the Industrial Area: you go there if you have the Major services done; 20000 , 30000 KM etc.
It is located at the very very very end of Street # 15.
Both open from 8:00 am
Good Luck
it would be the first street to the right right after Jarrir Book Shop comming from Ramada Intersection towards the Slwa road.
This work shop is if you are doing the Minor Services such as: 1000. 5000, 10000 and 15000 KM service, or if you want to buy spare parts.
The Main Service work shop is actually in the Industrial Area: you go there if you have the Major services done; 20000 , 30000 KM etc.
It is located at the very very very end of Street # 15.
Both open from 8:00 am
Good Luck