ok..from new experience...

If you are able to and there are no bodily injuries...call the police immediately(999)...then move the cars to a safe location. GET THE OTHER PERSON'S INFO!! MOBILE PHONE NUMBER AND LICENSE PLATE INFO!!!!!

What they told me on the phone was that I could go to the police station closest to the accident, within the next 24 hours and report it. If possible, make the other person go with you right then, tho..much easier to deal with things that way. You will need to have your driver's license and car insurance card with you.

After you file the report, if you are the one who got hit, you will have to go to the other person's insurance agency and file the report and the insurance company will give you another piece of paper verifying that they will pay for damages. Then you go to the dealer repair service center for estimate and make an appointment to take your car in to be fixed...That's as far as I've gotten so far!!!

Don't worry...a rental can get hit just as quickly as an owner car...just drive as safely as possible and keep your eyes open...WIDE open!!! Best of luck!!