It is not credit card charges. I was in India during July and I used the card of Mashreq Bank by chance even thoug I had other cards. I came back to Doha on the first week of August and I have heard of this Bank chargig like this. I used to get their e-statment by e-mail but there was nothing in my mail box so I checked in their webiste after logging in with the username and password. Normally they are issuing the statements on 3rd of each month. The trnsaction was showing but there was no date of payment shown in the statement so I thought that they will be asking me to pay it in September. Last week I got their statement by e-mail in which they are asking me to pay the late payment fee of Qr. 115/- and Financing charge of Qr. 50/-additional to the payment due. I talked to the person working in their Credit Card Care Centre and he told me that I must pay that amount. It is really strange that they are charging me 300%.