Make sure you get housing by the company! Even reducing your salary by a little amount and therefore getting a company accommodation will be worth it! Also ask of an education allowance for your kids. At most companies it's common to pay school fees!
Don't be scared by those sentences like "don't come her". Doha is a nice place to live for some years, if you are open minded and felxible in adjusting your world views. I am alos new here, and I like it pretty much, so far. Although I am glad that it's only for 4 or 5 years maximum.
Make sure you get housing by the company! Even reducing your salary by a little amount and therefore getting a company accommodation will be worth it! Also ask of an education allowance for your kids. At most companies it's common to pay school fees!
Don't be scared by those sentences like "don't come her". Doha is a nice place to live for some years, if you are open minded and felxible in adjusting your world views. I am alos new here, and I like it pretty much, so far. Although I am glad that it's only for 4 or 5 years maximum.