yes you do need to make simper for Sputnik/Cutesrk as he seriously believes we all think he is someone he isnt.
Another zealot of his belief's i.e. the West is the root of all evil....Cutesrk or whatever you want to call yourself today (WATWAT/Silverspear/Cutesrk/Sputnik) boy do you think we are all dumb....we all know you are the same person regardless of what you put in your profile, your writing style is exactly the same with the same spelling errors and choice of using text speak when the need arises.
For once and i have said it many times...get over yourself, your issues with the west are starting to make you sound like a member of a hateful group with to much time and lack of brains on your side.
yes you do need to make simper for Sputnik/Cutesrk as he seriously believes we all think he is someone he isnt.
Another zealot of his belief's i.e. the West is the root of all evil....Cutesrk or whatever you want to call yourself today (WATWAT/Silverspear/Cutesrk/Sputnik) boy do you think we are all dumb....we all know you are the same person regardless of what you put in your profile, your writing style is exactly the same with the same spelling errors and choice of using text speak when the need arises.
For once and i have said it many times...get over yourself, your issues with the west are starting to make you sound like a member of a hateful group with to much time and lack of brains on your side.
We came we saw we were Qatarized