I was just trying to shed light on the fact that the filipinos are no better than their other asian counter parts who are partially disadvantaged with somewhat less fanciable english skills at labour or entry level clerk jobs. That for one, yet another point is they lead a life of poor hygenie back home. That allright and probably shouldnt pick on them on such feather weight matters.The most stricking fact is that the filipino ladies working in places like Blue saloon and other specialty stores lead an overtly comfy plush life. Think of this, they are normally entitled to anywhere between 1500 to 2500 per month. Where do they get those new nissan tidas, maximas, VWS and corollas from. They are really selling their flesh. They are chosen over other equally or better candidates due to their flesh. What i mean is that they voluntarily or semi-voluntarily sell themeselves to people who are willing to pay the price for their companionship ( i am trying my best to avoid words such as b*rothels and p*rositutes). This upsets me a not. They are nothing but beauty selling flesh mongers. The society is becoming more and more corrupt and these ladies are the heart and souls to the putrid insanity of the flesh mongering marketplace.
I was just trying to shed light on the fact that the filipinos are no better than their other asian counter parts who are partially disadvantaged with somewhat less fanciable english skills at labour or entry level clerk jobs. That for one, yet another point is they lead a life of poor hygenie back home. That allright and probably shouldnt pick on them on such feather weight matters.The most stricking fact is that the filipino ladies working in places like Blue saloon and other specialty stores lead an overtly comfy plush life. Think of this, they are normally entitled to anywhere between 1500 to 2500 per month. Where do they get those new nissan tidas, maximas, VWS and corollas from. They are really selling their flesh. They are chosen over other equally or better candidates due to their flesh. What i mean is that they voluntarily or semi-voluntarily sell themeselves to people who are willing to pay the price for their companionship ( i am trying my best to avoid words such as b*rothels and p*rositutes). This upsets me a not. They are nothing but beauty selling flesh mongers. The society is becoming more and more corrupt and these ladies are the heart and souls to the putrid insanity of the flesh mongering marketplace.