Rein A is effective but first you have to find something to peel the outer part of your skin...this will make any over the counter cream effective. Maxi peel is used for at least a month but avoid sun while using, better yet use only at night, and lots of moisturizers and sunblock in the day. Peeling of the skin is good so as to take out all old skin where dirt hides and and when infection occurs, it freaks out there the pimples cause. But after few weeks of peeling, you can then proceed to retin- A for complete medication. Chocolates or sweets or fries is not really the cause, but makes the pimples big it triggers to be big, itchy, red,and swell. Avoid spicy too, drinking citrus juice helps to shrink them. If this pimples really big and all over your face and even at your back, better consult the doctor to take medicine intake, i forgot the name, but i will get back to you soon i remember