Welcome to Qatar. If you wish to report, better think twice, an hour or three to consume going to the authority will not be worth. It is not going to be blottered. If you really want to catch the culprit, when he already actually hurt or killed someone because of his driving, then you can go to the court. Only court can make action to any complains.And i think, There is a law in the article if i am not mistaken, that "No Qatari citizen be held " unless proven guilty of something...If not Qatari, the same procedure, go to the court if someone hurt. But if it is only speeding, the camera catches and then only penalties emposed.

It is advisable to just concentrate driving carefully and learn to be alert all the time from those kind of drivers so to be safe.

Just remember, you're not in your country, so if you are in Rome(as we usually say)do what the Romans do...