Your salary is just fair but definitely not enough. If you are not happy with the offer dont take it, never risk working in Qatar and yet you are half sure. Going out of the country is not as easy as it looks like. If you accept the offer and lift ur feet on the ground of NAIA and only to find out later that you are not 100% sure you will have your longest day of your life thinking why you left the country. And also, never compare your salary with other people you know because different company have different salary structure.
Your salary is just fair but definitely not enough. If you are not happy with the offer dont take it, never risk working in Qatar and yet you are half sure. Going out of the country is not as easy as it looks like. If you accept the offer and lift ur feet on the ground of NAIA and only to find out later that you are not 100% sure you will have your longest day of your life thinking why you left the country. And also, never compare your salary with other people you know because different company have different salary structure.