If you can wait for another offer, please do. QR 3,000 is ok if it only concerns your necessities but if your family is included then you cannot managed to save for yourself. Raise of salary for private company will take sometime probably a year. By that time you'll be in huge debt if your salary is that kind. You'll end up paying those debts.
I am not discouraging you not to accept the offer but I am only giving the possibilities. There is so many Filipinos here that are having regrets why they accepted such offer like yours.
I am lucky that I have an opportunity working in Government Company which is giving good salary but at this time they are terminating employees because of financial crisis.
Search for jobs in Government Companies here in Qatar. I'm sure you'll be qualified in such positions.
Recession here in Qatar at this moment is too high. It's everywhere. Many Filipinos are sent home because they were terminated.
Think very hard before you accept the offer.
Life in Qatar is simple not like in the Philippines. Purely your life here will evolve in work and home plus little recreation for yourself.
If you can wait for another offer, please do. QR 3,000 is ok if it only concerns your necessities but if your family is included then you cannot managed to save for yourself. Raise of salary for private company will take sometime probably a year. By that time you'll be in huge debt if your salary is that kind. You'll end up paying those debts.
I am not discouraging you not to accept the offer but I am only giving the possibilities. There is so many Filipinos here that are having regrets why they accepted such offer like yours.
I am lucky that I have an opportunity working in Government Company which is giving good salary but at this time they are terminating employees because of financial crisis.
Search for jobs in Government Companies here in Qatar. I'm sure you'll be qualified in such positions.
Recession here in Qatar at this moment is too high. It's everywhere. Many Filipinos are sent home because they were terminated.
Think very hard before you accept the offer.
Life in Qatar is simple not like in the Philippines. Purely your life here will evolve in work and home plus little recreation for yourself.
Goodluck KABAYAN!!!!