Hi guys,

Sorry for not giving any comment or reply earlier, plz accept my apologies.

Thanks Apple for alerting me to follow up with this subject.

Well buddies, I have good news, I am still in the country :) lol

The procedure after the medical test is to go for submitting the finger prints, and you can not perform that unless you passed the medical test.
The results of the medical test will not be delivered to you by hand, but it will be forwarded automatically to the next step.
Thanks god, I made the finger printing thing which means I passed the medical test. Now, I am waiting for the mandoub to collect my residency ID from the authorities within 10 days and thats it.

I hope the above mentioned in formation are helpfull and reliefing for all of you buddies.

Thanks again Apple.
I will keep following up this subject to reply if there are any comments or questions.

Wish you all the best, Cheers