From someone who has actually been there, the best thing you can do is actually have a proper assesment done.
Its conducted by a registered Psyc (by registered I mean it's an extra quallifacation that they must do) and takes about a day. the reason for a psyc is they also do a behavioural assesment as well.
Hippo I am sure you mean well but teaching your children to convert pounds to euros and dollars is not what constitutes as IQ my reasoning for this is simple any one can be taught if they have the apptitude to learn. What an IQ test looks for is actual reasoning and cognitive thought using a series of different test which have to be completed in a set time then the subject has to give a reason for their answer, while the whole process is not as simple as my explenation what I am trying to get across is that there is a differance between teaching sombody to do something and a person being able just to work out how it is so,the latter is what gives us a persons IQ.
As serendipity said early the other thing that you want to be aware of is that there is a downside to genius alot of people with a high IQ also suffer from psycological issues ranging from Aspergers, Bi-Polar all the way to scizophrenia hense the reason why psycs carry out the test.
In case you were wondering It was me who was the child and it was my mother and father that suffered. If you do find out that your child is a genius ( I am not saying that he is not) Be prepared for the worst most schools have turned P.C these days IE they recognise that every child is equal and no child is as bright or as dumb as another, and if it sounds s though I am jaded with the school system it's because I am. I was one of the ones branded as a bad student always disruptive in class never listened but always managed to pass my exams with a grade average over 80% just think what i could have done if somebody had just listened to my parents or me for that matter.
From someone who has actually been there, the best thing you can do is actually have a proper assesment done.
Its conducted by a registered Psyc (by registered I mean it's an extra quallifacation that they must do) and takes about a day. the reason for a psyc is they also do a behavioural assesment as well.
Hippo I am sure you mean well but teaching your children to convert pounds to euros and dollars is not what constitutes as IQ my reasoning for this is simple any one can be taught if they have the apptitude to learn. What an IQ test looks for is actual reasoning and cognitive thought using a series of different test which have to be completed in a set time then the subject has to give a reason for their answer, while the whole process is not as simple as my explenation what I am trying to get across is that there is a differance between teaching sombody to do something and a person being able just to work out how it is so,the latter is what gives us a persons IQ.
As serendipity said early the other thing that you want to be aware of is that there is a downside to genius alot of people with a high IQ also suffer from psycological issues ranging from Aspergers, Bi-Polar all the way to scizophrenia hense the reason why psycs carry out the test.
In case you were wondering It was me who was the child and it was my mother and father that suffered. If you do find out that your child is a genius ( I am not saying that he is not) Be prepared for the worst most schools have turned P.C these days IE they recognise that every child is equal and no child is as bright or as dumb as another, and if it sounds s though I am jaded with the school system it's because I am. I was one of the ones branded as a bad student always disruptive in class never listened but always managed to pass my exams with a grade average over 80% just think what i could have done if somebody had just listened to my parents or me for that matter.