Accents are for the slovenly ill educated masses. My advice is to avoid exposing yourself to all accents. Those of us who speak proper English should not expose ourselves to the risk of contamination of poorly spoken accented English. If you speak proper English you can preserve it by following the instructions below.
1. Live in a Georgian Manor house in Wiltshire.
2. Do not let people(peasants) from the north of England (otherwise known as Scotland) or those savages from Ireland or Wales into your house under any circumstances.
3. Instruct your servants to receive tradesmen only at your house's tradesman's entrance.
4. Give elocution lessons to your servants.
5. Only listen to the BBC radio. Avoid all television.
6. Refuse to acknowledge that Americans or Canadians exist other than as colonists that are not fit to live in England.
7. All Australians are criminal. Avoid them.
8.Help foreigners learn English by shouting at them.
Follow these instructions and preserve true English.
Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary. Mahatma Gandhi
Accents are for the slovenly ill educated masses. My advice is to avoid exposing yourself to all accents. Those of us who speak proper English should not expose ourselves to the risk of contamination of poorly spoken accented English. If you speak proper English you can preserve it by following the instructions below.
1. Live in a Georgian Manor house in Wiltshire.
2. Do not let people(peasants) from the north of England (otherwise known as Scotland) or those savages from Ireland or Wales into your house under any circumstances.
3. Instruct your servants to receive tradesmen only at your house's tradesman's entrance.
4. Give elocution lessons to your servants.
5. Only listen to the BBC radio. Avoid all television.
6. Refuse to acknowledge that Americans or Canadians exist other than as colonists that are not fit to live in England.
7. All Australians are criminal. Avoid them.
8.Help foreigners learn English by shouting at them.
Follow these instructions and preserve true English.
Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary. Mahatma Gandhi