Never ever eat anything from Najmat Demashq, I have a very bad experience in this place... it is last to be described as a restaurant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yami yami... eating mansaf with bare hands without using spoons is an excitement by itself :) lol (I know most of people do not like it).
I will try Jabri soon.
If you can cook it Apple why dont you invite me... still long time before my wife comes... can i stand all this time without having a home made mansaf??!!!!
Dear All,
Never ever eat anything from Najmat Demashq, I have a very bad experience in this place... it is last to be described as a restaurant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yami yami... eating mansaf with bare hands without using spoons is an excitement by itself :) lol (I know most of people do not like it).
I will try Jabri soon.
If you can cook it Apple why dont you invite me... still long time before my wife comes... can i stand all this time without having a home made mansaf??!!!!