Well if it comes down to history, grammar and spelling I have you well and truly beat.

No, you are right, the US was not in the Crimea to bail you out and you got massacred at Sebastopol when the Light Brigade massively understimated the Russian force it was up against. For more info, read your Tennyson (an English poet in case you didn't know).

Iraq. Yes a hell of a mess. Iraq, the country was created by the British in 1919 after the fall of the Ottoman Empire and as usual the Brish took no account of who was living there when they drew the boundaries. The British installed a king and things did not end happily ever after. Yes, the US has made a mess but your country has been the US's main ally in Iraq or had you forgotten that?

Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese in Dec 1941 and most of the US navy was destroyed. So what? By May 1940 the British had been kicked out France by the Germans and suffered a massive humiliation at Dunkerque.

"world war one and two were was you then well you came at the end as normal"

I don't really understand the sentence that you wrote above but if you consider 4 years of war and several million American dead ascoming in at the end, then your math skills are on a par with your writing skills.

As I said at the very beginning, we have screwed up our foreign policy badly but I don't think the British have much to brag about either when you look at the legacy of the empire.

Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary. Mahatma Gandhi