Your not judging people? I beg to differ? So u r telling me u ran into most lebanese people? Stating that most r stuck up and and arrogant is judging people? How many how you met, just out of curiousty? To state that your hoping to meet some "good" lebanese people so you can "change" your idea about them, who being arrogant now? Im sorry im not looking for an argument but both ur posts are really offensive?
Your not judging people? I beg to differ? So u r telling me u ran into most lebanese people? Stating that most r stuck up and and arrogant is judging people? How many how you met, just out of curiousty? To state that your hoping to meet some "good" lebanese people so you can "change" your idea about them, who being arrogant now? Im sorry im not looking for an argument but both ur posts are really offensive?