We live in a 3 bedroom villa...not on a compound (same reason for privacy) and you can expect to pay about 4-5k USD/ 3-5k Euro??? at least (14-16k QR)...and we rent from someone we know!

Flats are cheaper...but not cheap. Many companies provide the housing, so in that aspect you may not have a choice. There are so many different kinds of schools here, but there are not any public schools per se as in none are free for expats as far as I know.

And there are certainly Islamic schools that teach in English and Arabic ( as I have friends whose children attend them, from US and UK...and I have been to a very nice one where the headmistress had asked some Muslimas from the West to come have a chat with the girls...) In fact if you have girls, I would recommed that school ( Al Maha school for girls)