Why do women wear white on their wedding day? So they will match the stove and fridge!
Scientists have discovered a food that diminishes a womens sex drive by 90 percent.... Wedding cake!!!
Did you hear they finally made a device that makes cars run 95% quieter? Yeah, it fits right over her mouth.
How many men does it take to change a light bulb? None. Let the her cook in the dark.
Why do women have smaller feet than men ? So they can stand closer to the sink
What's the worst part of getting a sex change from male to female? Whan they remove half the brain.
Did you here that they discovered that there are female hormones in beer? Yeah, apparently they had 100 guys each drink 10 pints of beer. They all started running their mouths and driving lousy.
I date this girl for two years -- and then the nagging starts: "I wanna know your name..."
Why do women have arms? Have you any idea how long it would take to LICK a bathroom clean?
Why do men pass gas more than women? Because women won't shut up long enough to build up pressure.
1300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
----------------------------------------- www.e4u.name.qa
Why do women wear white on their wedding day? So they will match the stove and fridge!
Scientists have discovered a food that diminishes a womens sex drive by 90 percent.... Wedding cake!!!
Did you hear they finally made a device that makes cars run 95% quieter? Yeah, it fits right over her mouth.
How many men does it take to change a light bulb? None. Let the her cook in the dark.
Why do women have smaller feet than men ? So they can stand closer to the sink
What's the worst part of getting a sex change from male to female? Whan they remove half the brain.
Did you here that they discovered that there are female hormones in beer? Yeah, apparently they had 100 guys each drink 10 pints of beer. They all started running their mouths and driving lousy.
I date this girl for two years -- and then the nagging starts: "I wanna know your name..."
Why do women have arms? Have you any idea how long it would take to LICK a bathroom clean?
Why do men pass gas more than women? Because women won't shut up long enough to build up pressure.
1300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!