Contrary to what you just said. In space of 3 hours last evening, I got to hear from two different sources with claims from you which goes something like this, "I AM FINANCING THE EVENT IN JANUARY AND E4U IS DOING THAT FOR ME". Doha is a very small place!

Was very upset/irritated to hear this and I so badly wanted call you up last evening and whip you for going at length for saying that, hadn't it been for my friend.

Dude listen up, please do not mistake my help on offer to something else. I dont want to repeat my yesterday's long story all over again. I have worked really hard for that little bit of image in the market and wouldn't love you to go around screwing that.

Please do not try to associate E4U or me with your event and go around saying things like these in the town. It's an open market out there and I am definitely NOT one of the big player. With your determination, you will probably end up putting a better show, but please keep me disassociated with it!
1400 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!