Yes wicca is a religion, but i fail to see your point are you jelous because someone has actually acheived in promoting a religion to the youger generation something the christian church has been trying to do for centuries a religion that the church was so scared of that they decided to burn,torture,mame,drown(well you get the picture)thousands of inoccents for. Have we not moved on from the times of the Inquests, do we not promote freedom of speech(or writing for that matter) or are you just closed minded? While I agree that some of the points you made have a certain validity to them the fact is it is a fictional book.It isn't a referance point for Wicca-101 nor do I think that droves of children have converted wicca just because of it. Because like any religion it wicca is a life choice.
May the God smile upon you by day and the Godess watch over you and bless you by night.
Blessed Be
Yes wicca is a religion, but i fail to see your point are you jelous because someone has actually acheived in promoting a religion to the youger generation something the christian church has been trying to do for centuries a religion that the church was so scared of that they decided to burn,torture,mame,drown(well you get the picture)thousands of inoccents for. Have we not moved on from the times of the Inquests, do we not promote freedom of speech(or writing for that matter) or are you just closed minded? While I agree that some of the points you made have a certain validity to them the fact is it is a fictional book.It isn't a referance point for Wicca-101 nor do I think that droves of children have converted wicca just because of it. Because like any religion it wicca is a life choice.
May the God smile upon you by day and the Godess watch over you and bless you by night.
Blessed Be