Hi Newintown...I believe that resale value of nearly all cars here are pretty much the same (10% for the 1st year, and 5% thereafter). Also take in consideration the total mileage driven as well as if maintenance services were done on time and @ the company garage. My Sorento is more than a year now and as far as Kia services are compared to mitsubishi, KIA seems to be quite expensive. As I am driving daily to Dukhan and back to Doha, I do a lot of mileage therefore I do visit the KIA garage, say, every 2 months or so. And I usually pay around QR400-500 (minor services..aside from the labour and spare parts charge, they have a so-called ACC - which is about QR150..i don't know what this is and I never really asked). I owned a Pajero IO before and my bills would only range to about QR100-200 (minor services. I thought that the difference is that maybe because the Sorento is a bigger car?? Also Mitsubishi has 2 garage, one at the Industrial area and one behind the Landmark Mall.