there is a problem with shipping a whole computers.
1 when beeen shipped the parts in pc move around and can be damaged.
2 fine parts on motherboard can fry if a small part is split causing the computer to restart and finly short out you power supply and taking out other parts.
I build computers and have had some problem with many peoples pc i work with. They also shipped there pcs here and were damaged or blow up after 3 days.
I knew that this would happen to my pc so I just took motherboard and cpu and memory in sperate boxs. When i got here i went and brought a new case with power supply( qatar power standed, monitor, hard drive and etc.
The problem here with buying pc parts is that they don't know what they are selling. They buy off one supplier and it is mainly printers, keyboards, mice etc. Trying to match a good motherboard with the right cpu and good ram that runs well is hard.
OR you can buy a laptop that would last you about a year before it starts to get dirty with sand and overheat. lol
there is a problem with shipping a whole computers.
1 when beeen shipped the parts in pc move around and can be damaged.
2 fine parts on motherboard can fry if a small part is split causing the computer to restart and finly short out you power supply and taking out other parts.
I build computers and have had some problem with many peoples pc i work with. They also shipped there pcs here and were damaged or blow up after 3 days.
I knew that this would happen to my pc so I just took motherboard and cpu and memory in sperate boxs. When i got here i went and brought a new case with power supply( qatar power standed, monitor, hard drive and etc.
The problem here with buying pc parts is that they don't know what they are selling. They buy off one supplier and it is mainly printers, keyboards, mice etc. Trying to match a good motherboard with the right cpu and good ram that runs well is hard.
OR you can buy a laptop that would last you about a year before it starts to get dirty with sand and overheat. lol