inshallah you can get it.

documents you required to process are as follows.
1. NOC from you compnay
2. copy of your Labour contract
3. marriage certificate( attested from Ministry of foreing affaris of your country and Minsitry of foreing affairs Qatar)

4. Bank satement for six months
5. Birth certificate of your child
6. your passport copy, your wife's passport opy &your child's passport copy.
7. current & water bill

you have to go to Monistry of Labnour at mountaza signal. and apply ( please dont forget to get the stamp of your companyand signature of your compny on the appliacation form as their is a field for that).
after applying you can check it on the website after 2 or 3 days. then you have to take the print out and go to immigration dept block no 4.

wish you all the best