yes U can. U shud go and see Col. Nasser Al Attiya. If U are muslims, u cud get arrangement 4 Umrah and prove to them that your parents intend to do Umrah, show them the details and U will definitely get an extension.
Otherwise it would be really difficult and like others said, it depends on the officers moods.
Otherwise, U shud have a very valid reason and u cud take an arabic speaking friend and explain to the officer stated above and try ur luck.
i've been thru this and was lucky one time, unlucky another time. But remember that each day beyond visa expiry date is 200 QAR. fine.
good luck anyways..
yes U can. U shud go and see Col. Nasser Al Attiya. If U are muslims, u cud get arrangement 4 Umrah and prove to them that your parents intend to do Umrah, show them the details and U will definitely get an extension.
Otherwise it would be really difficult and like others said, it depends on the officers moods.
Otherwise, U shud have a very valid reason and u cud take an arabic speaking friend and explain to the officer stated above and try ur luck.
i've been thru this and was lucky one time, unlucky another time. But remember that each day beyond visa expiry date is 200 QAR. fine.
good luck anyways..